Learning to code with ADHD 🧠

Individuals with ADHD have difficulties with maintaining attention, executive function and working memory. Recently, deficits in executive function have emerged as key factors affecting academic and career success. Executive function is the brains ability to prioritize and manage thoughts and actions. Individuals who have issues with executive functioning may have difficulties completing tasks or may forget important things.

The structure of SheCodes courses is ideal for anyone with ADHD wanting to learn front-end web development. The lessons are on average, no more than 10minutes long with a fun and challenging practical challenge afterwards. Each week you are given homework which emcompasses all the skills you have learned that week. Additional self-learning is required which is a fantastic skill to learn effectively, in preparation for the working environment within web development spaces.

< What I used to build this landing page />

This is the very first thing I built when I started to learn how to code at the start of 2023. I am using basic HTML, CSS and vanilla Javascript. No frameworks or libraries are used here. I have used vanilla Javscript to add a simple event listener and a query selector to re-render the inner HTML of the 'h1`.

Learn more about ADHD